SAMARA: Career Overview


Samara Claudia Kezele Fritchman

Licensed Therapist (LMHC)
Certified Employee Assistance Professional (CEAP)
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
PhD in Educational Psychology
Executive Juris Doctorate (EJD) [Law degree for non-attorneys]


Samara has had 45+ years of experience working with all levels of staff spanning a variety of job classifications, ethnic backgrounds, and educational levels within a wide variety of industries providing consulting, counseling and professional development training services. In her professional career, Samara has provided consulting, counseling, and professional-development services. Samara was in private practice until 2017 working with complex clients: Suicidal ideations, Depression, Anxieties, PTSD and Complex PTSD utilizing CBT, DBT, EFT, NLP and Inner Child Work.

Samara, spanning her career, has taken several time/task specific work assignments, such as: Hazelden-Betty Ford Publishing Division [Subject Matter Expert],  NBCC-INR [Program Administrator], Longevity Medical [Research & Development], Pierce College [Professor], Tacoma Housing Authority [Drug Education Liaison], Shelton Chamber of Commerce [Director of Operations], Subway Development Company [Director of Operations], Tacoma Community College [Instructor/Counselor], Tacoma Rescue Mission [Education and Career Advisor]. FOR A MORE COMPLETE LIST, SEE FURTHER DOWN PAGE UNDERCAREER HISTORY…Time/Task Specific Work Contracts






  • CRITICAL INCIDENT RESPONDER:  Contracted with Magellan, Employee Assistance Program
  • NATIONAL CE [Continuing Education] PRESENTER
  • RESENTER/TRAINER/CONSULTANT: Providing support services through Employee Assistant Programs/Human Resource Departments for a variety of businesses for the purpose of employee development, professional continuing education for career professionals (all levels of staff), business/marketing development, and conflict resolutions/interventions.


  • HAZELDEN-BETTY FORD PUBLISHING DIVISION; Subject Matter Expert on the “Clinical Diagnosis Series” (Trauma/PTSD Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, ADHD Disorders). As a contributing Subject Matter Expert I provided content and review/edits for Workbooks and Facilitator Guides.
  • NBCC (Nat’l Board for Cert. Counselors) & INR (National Seminars): Program Administrator: coordinating continuity of subject matter of webinars/seminars adherence to NBCC policy guidelines.
  • LONGEVITY MEDICAL, Dr. Jerry Mixon: Providing Research and Development support on various projects (books, presentations).

– Mental Health Counselors (LMHC, MFT, LSW, et al)
– Healthcare Professionals (MT, OT, PT, ARNP, PA et al)
– Non-profits 501C (Charities, Churches et al)
– Schools (Public, Private, Charter, et al)
– Employee Assistance Programs (Private Business Sector)

EDUCATION Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 2.42.07 PM

  • 1991 BA: Bachelor of Arts, Business and Human/Behavioral Science; Evergreen State*
  • 1994 MA: Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology; St. Martin’s College^
  • 1999 JD: Executive JD; [a law-based degree for those individuals who do not intend to become a practicing attorney] Columbus University~
  • 2007 PhD: Educational Psychology (Adult Learning/Curriculum Development); Columbus University~
*The Evergreen State College, public liberal arts college (Accredited by Council on Higher Education)
^St. Martin’s College, MAC Program (Accredited by Council on Higher Education)
~Columbus University: Academic/Professional Dev. Programs, Distance Education (Accredited by World Assn. of Universities).


  • Washington State Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC #MH00005086)
  • National Certified Counselor; NBCC (NCC #53560)
  • International Certified Employee Assistance Professional; International,
    (CEAP #032468)
  • Critical Incident Responder Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Evergreen Certification, (CCTP #307805)


Over the course of Samara’s career she’d offered many seminar/webinar presentation to healthcare/mental healthcare professionals.

To view reference letters-evaluations-participant comments click here
To view a history of seminars presented click here


Cities and States visited


Fourth Edition: Ethical Standards and Clinical Forms for Licensed Mental Health Counselors






Formally SAMDIA SEMINARS (2005-2019) CE Hours and Clock Hour Approved Seminars, Washington State

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Formally CESeminarsNW (2016) CE Hours and Clock Hour Approved Seminars, Western Washington State

Formally BALANCING LIFE (1985-2005): CE Hours and Clock Hour Approved Seminars, Tacoma, WA

She has developed, coordinated and offered training programs providing CE Hours (Continuing Education Hour) to Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals and approved Clock Hours to Certified Educators/Administrators. Samara is a Nationally known speaker for CE Hours. Locally, she developed and managed a CE Hour programs for mental health, healthcare professionals, and educators/administrators that was sponsored by Pierce College. Independently, Samara is authorized by Seattle Central College to offer CE Hours or Clock Hours to professionals.

WHY SEMINARS?  With the growing need for versatile and flexible transferable skills, personal and professional education and development has never been more crucial. Since education is an integral part of human existence, many people today look at continuing education as their most important investment.

To view reference letters-evaluations-participant comments click here
To view a history of seminars presented click here

Career Professionals/Adult Education Training & Development. [Previously known as: BALANCING LIFE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (1980-2005) Balancing Life BROCHURE, Balancing Life BIO, CESeminarsNW (2016) Bi-polar Spectrum Disorders, and SAMDIA SEMINARS (2005-2019) Samdia Seminar Brochures

Seminars have covered]: 1) Mental Health and Healthcare–Ethics and Legal Issues, 3) Business/EAP Contract Work and, 4) Primary, Secondary Public & Private Education clock hour training & staffdevelopment.


  • Ethics and Legal Issues for Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals, Suicide Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention for Healthcare Professionals, and Ethnicity & Cultural Competencies for Healthcare Professionals
  • A variety of topics on ethics for mental health care providers; and, risks management/situational ethics seminars for businesses.
  • Job Efficiency, Front End Analysis, Fit for Duty (DOT), Gender-Diversity-Ethnicity, Hiring and the Appraisal Process, Coaching, Protective Policies. Change, Communication, Conflict, Difficult People, Habits, Relationships, and multiple topics on issues of “Self-improvement” and “Personal and Professional Growth and Development”.
  • Acting Out Behaviors in Children: Causes & Solutions, Classroom Management, Resolving Conflicts, Youth at Risk, Teaching Trends, How the Mind Develops.

Bank of America, IBM, Tacoma Urban League, Bates Home & Family Life, ACSI, City of Tacoma Police Department, Employment Security Department State of Washington, Ft. Lewis Civilian Personnel, Kitsap County Sheriffs, Fire District 16 and 5, McGavick et al Law Firm, Kitsap County Emergency Services, Highline Community Hospital, Weyerhaeuser, Comprehensive Mental Health, NW Family Network, City of Tacoma Human Resources…

To view reference letters-evaluations-participant comments click here
To view a history of seminars presented click here


  • 1994-2017: RETIRED from Private Practice:
    Licensed Mental Health Counselor [WA State] Counseling Services: Samara worked with complex clients: Suicidal ideations, Depression, Anxieties, PTSD and Complex PTSD utilizing CBT, DBT, EFT, NLP and Inner Child Work.
    • Office Locations: Gig Harbor/Key Center and Tacoma Mall Office Bldg (Retired from Private Practice 2017)
    • NPI# 1518352061  CAQH# 313522555

LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR/CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROFESSIONAL —  Counseled and assisted clients with issues affecting job-related performance and personal well-being. Evaluated and recommended outside treatment and additional counseling if necessary, referring to support programs or specialized resources.

Samara worked with complex clients: Suicidal ideations, Depression, Anxieties, PTSD and Complex PTSD utilizing CBT, DBT, EFT, NLP, PTG and Inner Child Work.

In addition to counseling services for employees and their family members, Samara, as a Certified Employee Assistance Professional [International],  acted as a resource for managers and supervisors on a wide range of workplace issues, helping managers and supervisors address difficult work performance issues, attendance and productivity problems, change in the workplace, and more: Job performance referrals, critical incident response, employee wellness programs, organizational development issues, and training and development seminars. 

Employment ContractCAREER HISTORY…Time/Task Specific Work Contracts

To view reference letters from client organizations click here

  • HAZELDEN-BETTY FORD PUBLISHING DIVISION; Subject Expert on the “Clinical Diagnosis Series” (Trauma/PTSD Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, ADHD Disorders) — Subject Expert contributing content and providing review/edits for Workbooks and Facilitator Guides.
  • NBCC (Nat’l Board for Cert. Counselors)-INR (National Seminars) — Program Administrator: coordinating continuity of subject matter of webinars/seminars adherence to NBCC policy guidelines.
  • LONGEVITY MEDICAL, Dr. Jerry Mixon –Providing research and development: Support on various projects (books, presentations)

2015-2018  CLOCK HOUR TRAINER for Tacoma School District; Emergency Substitute K-12 2019-2021 Tacoma School Dist. ER Teacher Certificate and 2016-2019 Tacoma School Dist ER Teacher Certificate

2015-2015 CAREER AND EDUCATION ADVISOR, TACOMA RESCUE MISSION (Tacoma, WA), Assist individuals in the New Life Programs at the Downtown Tacoma Rescue Mission, Adams Center, and Tyler Center with career choices, options, goals and provide encouragement and motivational presentations to participants

2014-2015 COUNSELOR & PROFESSOR, TACOMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE (Tacoma, WA) Academic, Career, and Personal Counseling for students; Professor for HD 101 College Success Class. One year contract.  For Reference Letters click here;

2013-2014: PROFESSOR & STUDENT ADVISOR, PIERCE COLLEGE: (Steilacoom, WA) Social Service Mental Health Certificate Program—teaching 1) Introduction to Social Services, 2) Mental Health Interviewing and Assessment, 3) Law and Ethics in Social Science. Covered for colleague who took a one-year sabbaticalFor Reference Letters click here

2006-2014: EAP Services and Special Project Manger, LONGEVITY MEDICAL CLINICS, Dr. Jerry Mixon (MD) EAP SERVICES AND SPECIAL-PROJECTS, LONGEVITY MEDICAL CLINICS: (Tacoma, Lynwood, Kirkland, WA), Owner: Dr. Jerry Mixon (MD). Provide EAP services and assist on various special projects: marketing opportunities; training program, Longevity Lifestyle Program; books/seminars projects, and CE Seminars NW. Reference Letter: Jerry Mixon MD

2002-2005: PIERCE COLLEGE, Program Developer/Speaker: Program development, Management, Presentation and Hiring of adjunct professional speakers for a Continuing Education Clock Hour program for Mental Health and Healthcare Workers in the Pierce County Area. See References Tab for details.

1990 to 2014, Contracted EAP Services  (Employee Assistance: Consultation, Counseling and Professional Development Training)

  • To view additional information on EAP work click here
    Provided employee assistance in the areas of business and employee consultation, efficiency consultation, hiring assessments; performance appraisals; employee development & professional/career education; intervention specialist (for conflict resolution), and EAP counseling. Meeting facilitator: Encouraging discussions, promoting creativity and maintaining focus while working toward goals. Coordinated seminars: Developed brochures, schedule, selection of topics & trainers, marketing strategies & promotion.
  • PARTIAL LISTING OF CLIENTS TO SHOW INDUSTRY DIVERSITY…Longevity Medical Clinics/Dr. Jerry Mixon, Bank of America, IBM, Tacoma Urban League, Bates Home & Family Life, ACSI, City of Tacoma Police Department, Employment Security Department State of Washington, Ft. Lewis Civilian Personnel, Kitsap County Sheriffs, Fire District 16 and 5, McGavick et al Law Firm, Kitsap County Emergency Services, Highline Community Hospital, Weyerhaeuser, Comprehensive Mental Health, NW Family Network, City of Tacoma Human Resources …

1994: KITSAP SCHOOL DISTRICTTemporary Marketing Education Instructor (while hiring process for permanent instructor was underway), Vocationally certified Instructor. I initiated reorganization of marketing education classes and student store while new instructor hire process proceeded. See Reference for details. 1995-1997 Vocational Marketing Ed Instructor Certification and 1994-1997 Bremerton School Dist ER Teacher Certificate

1990-1993: SUBWAY DEVELOPMENT OF SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON, Director of Operation: HR management of franchise stores; developed staff procedures and policies; implementation of efficiency procedures (paperwork/accounting/staff hiring/assessments). See References Tab for details. 1992 Subway Development Agent Certification

1992: TACOMA HOUSING AUTHORITYTemporary Community Drug Intervention Liaison (Six-month grant contract): Worked with community members and developed wellness programs for community members, east side of Tacoma during high gang activity. Worked with local area gang members as the Drug Education Liaison. See References Tab for details.

1988-1989: SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCEDirector (One-year contract to increase membership and Chamber services): Increased membership (new members by 210% and increased retention rate by 120% in the first quarter of one year contract) and developed weekly business development training for members. See References Tab for details.

1987: PARTNERS OF THE AMERICASEntrepreneur/Export Consultant (Special diplomatic grant): Traveled to Chile, South America. Duties included working with economically disadvantaged communities in South America, coordinating “Cottage Industries” and establishing trade routes to the United States buyers. See References Tab for details.

1986: UPPER TACOMA RENAISSANCE ASSOCIATIONTrainer/Consultant (One-year contract), Small Business Assistance Center and Incubator project. Researched and evaluated small business needs in the K/J Street area. (Now the revitalized Martin Luther King Area) See References Tab for details.

1984-1987: TACOMA URBAN LEAGUEProgram Developer (Three-year contract) for Tacoma Urban League Skills Training Center’s Basic Skill Development and Personal Skill Development Programs.  Basic Skills is a complete training program (200+ pages) covering English skills, proofreading, math and letter writing designed for adult learners. Personal Skills covered communication skills, conflict resolution, goal setting and various personal enrichment/growth topics to strengthen self-value. See References Tabe for details.

1982-2004 COMMUNITY COLLEGESProgram Developer and Presenter: Over 20+ years — Contracts with the following community colleges to offer a variety of programs through their non-credit and credit programs: Tacoma CC, Pierce College, Olympic CC, Grays Harbor, South Puget Sound CC, Green River CC, South Seattle CC, Seattle Central CC, Shoreline CC, Bellevue CC, Highline CC, University of Washington Extension Program. See References Tab for details.

1981-1989: BATES BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT TRAINING CENTER and CLOVER PARK VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, Trainer/Consultant: Provided training programs and consultation to their client base. See References Tab for details. 1986-1989 Bus. Mgmt. Vocational Education Certification

1970s WARD CLERK–Tacoma General Hospital and FIELD TRAINED PHYSCIAN’S ASSISTANT (PA)-Dr. David Millett, Orthopedics

SPECIAL CAREER PROJECTS: Multicultural Experience

Travel to 26 foreign countries on the continents of: Asia, Europe, Middle East, South America, and North America.

  • Lived and worked in three foreign countries: 
  1. Japan: International Communications Corp., English/Business Instruction (1978-1979); AmeriMod Agency, Live Mannequin Modeling, Department Stores, Tokyo, 1981
  2. England: Jr. Accounting, Goldberg Accounting Agency, Bernard Goldberg, Proprietor (1981)
  3. Chile: Partners of the Americas: 1987-88, Entrepreneurial Training & Product Export Coordinator, Community Rodeo (Outside Santiago, Chile) Plus 1998-2010 [several follow up trips]








Tacoma Film Festival

“String Theory” (on relationships outside the digital age)
Story Concept: Samara C Kezele Fritchman

Originally made for the 72-Hour Tacoma Film Competition. This short Silent includes only one required specific line of dialog. We had fun making it. And a Fun after Crew party where we cranked old Buster Keaton movies though a old 1918 hand crank motion picture projector. Cool…!!!


Gig Harbor Video Studio

Sean Bonsell and Samara Fritchman opened and established (2013) the Gig Harbor Video Studio for DPI Printing. Gig Harbor, WA
Find out about the services and focus of Gig Harbor Video Studio, a service of DPI Print located at the top of Soundview in Gig Harbor, WA.

Published Author

  • Ethical Standards and Clinical Forms for Licensed Mental Health Counselors
  • Ethics & Excellence for Mental Health Counselors
  • Data & Documents for Mental Health Counselors
  • Joshua Worthington Eagle: A Story of Worth, Transformation & Balance
  • The Tale of Three Minds: The Chronicles of Will, Soul & Heart


books2000.04 Joshua Book Front cover    2000.04 Three Minds Book Front cover


Advice Columnist 1985-87 

Column covered career communication: Techniques for Getting Along on the Job.  Titled: “Dear Claudia” published in the Pierce County Business Journal.

Various Career Endeavors

MEDIA 1983-1990s: Guest appearances on KIRO, KOMO, KING TV (I.E.: NW Afternoon, PM NW); Talk radio— multiple local radio shows, regarding business endeavors (homebased businesses, career advice); Interviews/Special Focus Articles on business endeavors in multiple local area newspapers: Seattle PI, Federal Way News, Auburn Press, Tacoma News Tribune, Puyallup News, Gig Harbor Gateway, Olympian, etc. Click here for IN THE PRESS details.

Founder of the HBBA 1983: Home Based Business Association for Washington State, a non-profit organization for professional homebased business owners. 1983-1992 HOMEBASED BUSINESS ASSOCIATION
To view additional information regarding this endeavor click here  (view a video from a panel discussion on Entrepreneurship, Women’s Awareness Week, Tacoma, WA, 1983)

Conference Speaking Credits includes keynote presentations at Career Alternative Expo, Homebased Business Conference for Rainier Bank/Green River, Ft. Lewis Military Conference, Women’s Entrepreneur Week for the City of Tacoma, Small Business Fair for Pierce College, Women’s Entrepreneur Expo, Tacoma Dome Entrepreneur Fair Expo, and the Entrepreneur’s Expo for Seattle-First National Bank, ACSI, and NW Christian Educators Conference. See Reference Letters and Seminar History

Participant Comments

I felt that the information was presented in such a way as to benefit all levels of experience and understanding. I have a great appreciation for Samara’s personal experiences — this added so much to the presentation — someone who has “been there.”

Sue T., RN, A

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