Fiction: The Tale of Three Minds

Inspirational Story

Only a limited number of books were printed in 2000 in association with Randel House Publishing.
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Tale of Three Minds

The Chronicles of Will, Soul & Heart

Author: Samara Claudia Kezele Fritchman

A Story of Worth, Transformation & Balance

ISBN # 0-9672196-0-4

Many struggle with old and lasting ways of thinking, sensing something dark just under the surface behind the doors of consciousness. How long does it take to get at a soul, to discover your heart, to gain a peace that surpasses understanding, to exhort yourself out of hiding? The Tale of Three Minds takes you inward to a land of intrigue and mystery as the story unfolds inside a human mind—a willful mind. The Tale of Three Minds intertwines our fascination with the intricate workings of the mind (conscious, subconscious, and unconscious) together with the spiritual aspects of our existence (will, soul, and heart). Come journey with Will, Soul and Heart; walk with them as they experience divine reality applied to their human psyche; the divine aspects of existence intertwined with the workings of human nature, providing insight, understanding and hope.

Colin Manlove in his book, The Patterning of a Fantastic World outlines the incredible journeys undertaken in the Chronicles of Narnia. Colin Manlove states, “C. S. Lewis broke barriers in Christian writing…” Through these chronicles, C. S. Lewis opened minds to imaginative thinking and allegorical parallel. The Tale of Three Minds, by virtue of its content and style is equally provocative. How does the human understanding of the mind relate to spiritual understanding? How do our levels of consciousness parallel a spiritual existence: our will, soul and heart? Written in the creative tradition of C. S. Lewis, The Tale of Three Minds, through allegory, provides the reader with thought-provoking concepts to the co-existence of opposing natures within: human and spiritual.

EXCERPT from Tale of Three Minds:

Will had made it. He was stepping inside his subconscious mind.

He began walking, but the immediate impact of where he was left him weak-kneed and unable to fully catch his breath. So his walk looked more like a loose-boned gait. This valley was dark and deep and long and wide. He descended step-by-step unable to shake an eerie feeling. The humid air closed in on him—or was it his own emotions pressing into an anxious spot within him. A shiver zipped down his spine and even he wasn’t sure if it was a sensation of fear or excitement.

A voice exploding out of nowhere kept Will from falling into a hole on the ground that suddenly appeared before him. “You almost stepped into one of your files, a memory file with emotions.” Will couldn’t see who was talking, but the file that looked more like a grave was labeled Rejection and Rage. “You wouldn’t want to fall into that all at once. It’s my appointed job, and one I take quite seriously, to give you just a little of it, bit-by-bit, when needed or when you open its doorway by your will,” she said as she stepped into view. “I am Soul, your servant, Will. You have nothing to fear from me.”

Her voice exuded of a cultured, singsong resonant, but there was also a breathy, guttural blare. Her body was delicate even with an Amazonian look. Will stood looking at her. She was so pretty and angel-like but she was clothed in the strange armor of a warrior. Will was puzzled by her appearance: wide-eyed innocence yet powerful. Oh yes, Soul was bewildering, a mixture of opposing forces—ladylike yet sneaky, flattering yet evasive, disarming yet manipulative and captivating yet self-serving—as Will would come to know.


Participant Comments

There was an enormous amount of material presented in a well organized, easy to understand manner. The speaker was one of the best I’ve had the pleasure to listen to.

Patricia F., Social Worker, NJ

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